AFIS System
Affordable, Upgrade-able, and Standards-based Automated Fingerprint and Palmprint Identification
Local criminals commit local crime – save time and get results faster by searching your local database first.
Easy-to-master user interface — If you’ve used Excel or Access,
you can use AFIS System.
Runs on any brand of PC, connects to nearly any live scan device
or flatbed scanner.
Need to conduct a wider search of regional or national databases?
AFIS system ‘lights out’ search capability frees up your officers’ time.
AFIS Workstation
Affordable AFIS/APIS. Add a remote workstation to make your system even more cost-effective
Get ahead of your caseload by adding a Remote Workstation to your AFIS system
Full entry and editing capability
Full search and search review functionality
Virtual network connection allows you to share AFIS System between offices.
Latent Workstation
How many AFIS/APIS searches do you need to perform?
Latent Workstation can be networked into your existing AFIS system or stand alone
Enter, edit, and search latent prints against a database of known fingerprints and palm prints
Make sure your crime scene investigators aren’t waiting in line to input latent prints.
Editing Workstation
The people you’re looking for aren’t exactly waiting around to get caught. So maybe it’s time to speed your AFIS/APIS entries.
Entry and Editing Workstation improves efficiency in high-volume environments
Enter fingerprint, palm print, and latent records into your AFIS system
Extracts minutiae, and allows users to easily edit records.
Verifier, you can confirm identity by fingerprint in a matter of seconds
Simple interface and intuitive commands make positive biometric ID easy
Speed up ID verification even more with a barcode reader
Not limited to law enforcement — use in any situation where positive ID verification is needed.
This easy-to-use system takes you from ‘John Doe’ to a positive identification in record time.
Quickly and easily find out whether you’re dealing with an individual that you have encountered before
You choose which and how many fingers to use in the search
Simple interface makes it easy to use and interpret results
Positively identify an individual at the beginning of the booking process don’t enter false information you’ll have to correct later.