Flexiguard™ System

The perimeter to be protected can be divided into zones so that the intruders’ location can be identified. Each zone can be from 10m up to 200m long. Zone lengths will depend on whether CCTV cameras are being used to survey the perimeter in which case the zones will be designed to correspond with the field of view of the camera. One Flexiguard™ sensor cable will protect a fence up to a height of 3m. Fences higher than 3m will require two runs of cable, one near the bottom of the fence and one near the top.

Single zone or dual zone analysers are installed around the perimeter and connected back to the control room using twisted pair telephone cable, fibre optic cable or RS485 data cable when using the Flexiguard™ Multisys® Analyser with the Multisys® Security Management System.


Flexiguard™ Multisys® Networked System

The Flexiguard™ Multisys® system has inbuilt RS485 data communication. The analysers are linked back to the control room on an RS485 data bus which is connected to a PC running the Multisys® Security Management System. Alarms are shown on a map of the site and all zones can be controlled from the PC. The system is very versatile and can be configured to suit the clients’ exact requirements.

Sensor Cable Monitoring

The sensor cable is monitored for tampering by terminating the cable in an end of line termination box. The end of line resistor is constantly monitored by the analyser and will generate an alarm if an intruder tries to bypass the cable.

Automatic Environmental Control

All analysers have an Automatic Environmental Control which is used to automatically adjust the analyser setting during bad weather conditions. It does this by sensing the signals which are generated in the fence due to wind and rain and adjusts the analyser for optimum performance without compromising detection.

Flexiguard™ System

Audio Listen In

An alarm can be verified by using the listen in option. This allows the operator to hear the fence and determine the nature of the alarm.

Analyser Specifications

For full details of each analyser type, please see the analyser data sheet.